"Drama" (the word) originates from Greek, it means something done. Drama began in Ancient Greece. In the olden times, the Greeks used to use drama as a religious learning or showing of a time in the religion they believed in. A couple of hundred years later they created the two themes of a drama, Tragedy and Comedy.
A Tragedy Drama being "an event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress, such as a serious accident, crime, or natural catastrophe." This would mean the drama has different negative emotions throughout the drama; a good example of a drama that has tragedy is "Romeo & Juliet" or "Hamlet". Negative emotions and events would be sorrow, Death, distress and the drama would most definitely have to have a sad ending. The personalities of the characters in this drama would be more serious and mellow dramatic.
A comedy drama is "Professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.”. The personalities of the characters in this drama would be a lot more different then to the tragedy drama. Usually, the comedian of the group would be more flexible and messy. They would have more of a tendency to be funny rather than another character in the play. The plot would sometimes be more random, it gives the audience more of a "What the ?.." thought when they watch it. Also, Comedy is a very flexible form of entertainment. Most Dramas have to have a plot line and at least make sense, but comedies don't.
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