Friday, 24 February 2012


Okay, so drama. It has a lot of meanings when you sit down and think about it. There's drama as in a dramatic production of a play.. But then again there is the "Drama" that happens in with jenny and Penelope when they fight. Picking "The Geography of Drama" is probably going to come back and bite me.. May as well give it a go..  This week, I am going to talk about the different kinds of drama. As i have already covered. Yes, there is two types, but there sure is so many more. Like drama as in a series on the telly every night as you cosy up with a cuppa'. Now, the question will be asked.. "But , what kind of drama are you going to blog about?". Quite frankly, none of them. I'm going to talk about the ; "The art or practise of writing or producing dramatic works.". The ART of drama. I wouldn't like people to call actors artists, because plain and simple, they aren't. How would they know if they can paint, or write, or draw? They are Artistes. (Note the 'e' on the end.) An artiste is a person that practises the art, doesn't write it or anything like that.

So "The art or practise of writing or producing dramatic works" can mean a whole lot of nothing when you read it first. Continuously writing about it though, does actually tend to give you more of an idea. Well, the "art" of drama? the art being the finished Piece of the writers. For example, Romeo and Juliet after William Shakespeare finished. The art being portrayed by the acters in films, shows or in the theatre. It has a large impact on some lifes. When you think about it.. Where do you think Edward Alleyn or Henry Condell the famous Elizabethean Actors would be without the beautiful world of Drama?

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